New Basic Marketing Package Launched
Most small business owners know they need to have a presence on social media, keep in better contact with past and present customers, and do more to improve their presence on Google.
Medium to large businesses often employ people for this sole purpose, but small operators can't afford that luxury, and they often lack the time or expertise to do it themselves.
So what to do? You know what I'm going to say now, don't you? Pay someone like me to do it for you!
The fact is, many are more than happy to pay someone to do this stuff for them, but they just don't know where to start.
That's why I've put together a straightforward and affordable marketing package that covers all the basics and requires minimal client input. Because I do it all for you!
I've been refining this package over the last year with existing clients, working out what they want and what is affordable. Eight of my clients are now using it, with excellent results. So, I'm now rolling it out as a service. I've called the package "Marketing Basics" (catchy, eh?). It's designed to cover the basics you should do each month. As a minimum!
First and foremost, the price: £200 or €240 per month.
What's Included
The way it works is every month you send me the topic for the campaign and a few lines explaining a bit about the subject.
So, for instance, let's say you want to do a campaign explaining why protective workwear is essential, what to look for in work boots, and some brands that are worth investing in. (I've picked this because this is an actual campaign I'm working on for a client at the moment)
The email you send me might go like this...
This month, can you do a campaign about why it's important to use protective workwear, with a focus on work boots. The leading brands of boots I sell are BrandA, BrandB and BrandC, so explain why these are good brands to buy. And don't forget to tell everyone they can buy them from my shop and website.
That's it, that's pretty much all you need to do. I'll then do the following...
Create a blog article. I'll take your request and turn it into an entire blog post. I'll often use AI tools to gather information and fine-tune things. I'll then create custom images and post the finished article to your blog. (If you don't have a blog, get one. They are the best way to get your business up the search results.)
Create and distribute an email newsletter. I'll next edit the blog article to make it suitable for a newsletter. I'll then send it to your mailing list with links to your site's blog. This helps drive website traffic.
Social media and Google. Finally, I'll create a special shortened version of the newsletter, including custom images, to post to your social media platforms and add to your Google Profile.
In a nutshell, that's it. With a simple marketing package like this, you'll cover the basics of what you need to do on a monthly basis, increasing your presence across the internet, and helping drive people and businesses to your website.
If you want to chat more about this, or any other form of digital marketing, get in touch here.